
Velocity - Life Comes at You Fast

God once spoke a captivating comparison to a discouraged, disappointed and disillusioned prophet. “If you have raced against men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses?” (Jeremiah 12:5.) Jeremiah’s experience reflects our own - life can be overwhelming.

If the Scriptures were being written today, a different analogy might be used to communicate the eternal truths of God’s kingdom. For example, God might challenge us to leave the highway of mediocrity and race like a champion race car driver. More than we like to admit, we find ourselves stuck in traffic by complaining about our circumstances, taking wrong exits toward insignificant details, heading for the parking lot of bitterness, or jumping on the bus of unworthy goals while settling for less than God’s best for our lives.

On April 22, start your engines as Dr. Jim Ozier begins a riveting new series about winning at life. Learn to navigate at full speed around challenges and obstacles as you set your focus on the finish line of eternal success.


Anonymous said...

I know there were strict criteria to decide if a book woul go into the Bible. However, Paul demonstrates that you do not have to be an eye witness to Jesus in order to have revelation. Why do we not include later revelations into the Bible or is there not any new revelations?

Rev_DeanL said...

Sorry for not getting back to your question sooner...the New Testament canon was officially closed in 393 during the Synod of Hippo and that decision was confirmed a few years later by the Council of Carthage (397 and 419). Therefore no "new revelations" have been added to the Bible for over 1500 years. Although new scriptures have not been written, there have been commentaries galore written on just about every single word or phrase in the Bible. So there may be new revelations everytime the Holy Spirit speaks, but that does not mean that it is eligible for inclusion in scripture.

And BTW, eventho Paul was not an eyewitness to Jesus' ministry he did have an incredible encounter with the risen Christ on the road to Damascus (Acts 9).

Dean Libby